Romance Novels
رواية حكايات الراوي الحلقة 7 ( كلمات)
اهلا بيكم اعزائي المستمعين مع برنامجكم الاذاعى صندوق حكايات واليوم موعدنا مع حكاية جديدة من حكايات الحياة حكاية تعانقت فيها روحين بعطر من حنين الزمان في لقاء بحثت فيه الروح عن نصفها الأخر وقد حملت صاحبة الرسالة أسم يقين وما أجمله من اسم يقين في مشاعر ناعمة ربطت بين روحها وروح يعقوب لتنفض روحها باحثة عنه من النظرة الأولى استجابة…
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Broken Heart CHAPTER 2
Broken Heart I had no wife, child, nor a living sibling, but like most people, I had a long list of friends, cousins, nieces, nephews, colleagues, employees and a sister-in-law that I held dear, and also I wouldn’t say enemies, but rather people whose toes I might have stepped on. Before my eventual expiration, I plan to bid my dear…
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Broken Heart CHAPTER 1
Tittle: Broken Heart CHAPTER ONE The door creaked, announcing company, and I turned to watch Doctor Lucas stroll silently into his office, with his head set grimly on his large neck and his little hands shaking in his coat pocket. I knew right away that God had again dipped into the coffers of my life and pulled out more…
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The Beauty And The Boss CHAPTER THREE
Tittle: The Beauty And The BossCHAPTER THREE: Another MeetingFar before midday the next day, Chloe and Pete had set out for Brooklyn in Pete’s truck. By the time they arrived in the city and traced their way to Russo Paperwork company, where they were redirected to the CEO’s estate, the sun had filled every inch of the sky with pale…
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The Beauty And The Boss CHAPTER TWO
Tittle: The Beauty And The Boss For probably the hundredth time today, Chloe Smith searched the crowd of people in every direction, looking past the arranged mass of decorated tables, carrying various brands of exotic wines, past the ornate decorations over and around the beds of colourful flowers that made the expansive garden, past the gangs of colourful balloons strung…
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The Beauty And The Boss
The Beauty And The Boss CHAPTER ONE (The Beauty) Other than an Italian Mafia don, Marco Russo looked more like a movie star. He was well over six feet tall, with an athletic body he had nurtured to the right proportions in the gym. Had a chiseled jawline, carrying a delicate chinstrap on a face that would make a male…
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